Features in eZ publish 2.2
Top level
eZ publish version 2.2 offers great improvements since version 2.1. The highlights include: PostgreSQL support, template based tags in eZ article and eZ trade, user defined article/trade tags, dynamic form creation, support for media files ( flash, quick time, mpeg etc ) and section support.
Full changelog since 2.1
Added support for radiobuttons, checkboxes, dropdown lists and multiple choice lists
Search in contact now searches in online addresses and phone numbers
Fixed Bug count, bug archive on user side.
Fixed Bulkmail user login
Added sections to eZ trade
Added a better VAT system i eZ trade
Added voucher view
Added order list/view for customers
Added a more complete cart and checkout
Added SQL admin in sitemanager
Added fulltext search in eZ forum
Fixed search on keywords in article
Added basic editor for templates in admin.
Added customer list and customer details in eZ trade.
Added support for multiple keywords in url translator.
Added section support with Sitedesign, Template and Language override.
Fixed problems with articles being stored with invalid XML
Added topic link from article list and article view
Added modification sorting on article categories.
Added image caption override tag
Added better search in eZ article. Now handles stop words and word freqyency.
Fixed problems with searching in eZ filemanager
Added setting to set if a user can see the calendar of every user
Added setting to mage consultations visible for everyone
Added posibility to add an appointment for an entire day in the calendar
Added setting to make consultations visible for everyone
Added upload permission setting to eZ filemanager folders and eZ imagecatalogue categories.
Added buttons for buy and file folder in person/company list
Added display of which articles/products an image is used in
Added mime types for known office documents in filemanger
Added copy of article categories in admin
Added topic list on user site
Added search in eZ imagecatalogue
Added support for IP or Cookie based vote checking in eZ poll
Added support for custom defined article tags in site.ini
Added XML generator/renderer support in eZ trade
Added circular categories in eZ article
Added option for keeping case of manual keywords for eZ article
Added support for changing message limit in eZ forum and eZ mail
Added Signature in eZMail, fixed Preview button bug.
Added auto check mail, show unread mail features in eZMail (user configurable)
Added caching in eZ calendar
Added next/previous in file list in eZ filemanager
Added vouchers to eZ trade
Added support for editors group in eZ article
Added new module eZ mediacatalogue; handles flash, movies etc..
Added override system for article list and article view templates.
Added discussion to polls
Moved preamble/header/footer to one file.
Added support for PostgreSQL and Informix
Added cache control in site manager ( possibility to clear cache )
Added site.ini editing under site manager
Added custom php/html file upload/edit in sistemanager
Added possibility to override sender info when sending bulkmails with settings in site.ini
Added mail to friend script
Added time un/publising on eZ article
Added site map and special front page in eZ article (user site)
Added dynamic generation of site title and meta information.
Added internal messaging with the module eZ message.
Added logging on articles, history of article changes.
Added author list and author select on eZ article.
Added topic to eZ article.
Added attributes to eZ article.
Added eZ quiz module.
Added eZ form module.
Fixed timeout problem in bulkmail loop to avoid time outs when sending e-mails